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The Toledo Police Museum would like to thank Mr. David Bailey for this contribution to our Cops and Robbers exhibit. The Cowboy Hill shooting in our community was only a small piece of a much broader story. David has been piecing the cross-country crime spree of Hill and his accomplices for years. When his research brought him to the Toledo Police Museum,  we were enlightened to the significance of the events that occurred here and collaborated with him to tell the story of this prolific criminal's gang activity in our region. 

Click here to view the entire story in PDF, or click on a photo below to access part of the story.

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Cowboy Hill
Known aliases (extensive) listed HERE.

Archie Dennison; Known aliases: Arthur Crowley, Archie Knerr, Pete Foust, Ed Burton

Red McGahan; Known aliases: James Carleton, Thomas Bliss, Larry Kurz, Ed Williams, Milton Brion

Joe Forrest

Known aliases: J.F.Ford, Joseph Hill

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Dick Howell

Leo Mitchell

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George "Jiggs" Losteiner

Dutch Anderson

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Gerald Chapman

A dizzying extended cast of underworld characters. 

A list of our good guys. Click on the names for what we have on each man.

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Eddie Meehan

David Bailey is a retired architect now living in Muncie, Indiana. He is originally from the small town of Selma about six miles east of Muncie. As a teenager he first heard the story of the famous gangster Gerald Chapman and how he was captured in Muncie.


Since his parents instilled in him a keen interest in history, he decided to write an accurate historical account of the life of Chapman. He began research for this book about Chapman approximately four years ago.

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Much of the life of Chapman is obscured by misinformation and lack of knowledge, in particular there were two extended periods of time where present historical accounts are lacking. These two periods are March of 1919 to April of 1921, and April of 1923 to April of 1924. Most accounts of these two periods of time are either fictional representations or are minimal in content.


A little over a year ago he discovered a link between Chapman and what is commonly called the “Cowboy Hill Gang," so he began to explore this connection in detail. This exploration eventually led to a meeting in Toledo with Officer Beth Thieman. Since that time the two have been exchanging information and ideas in order to gain a greater understanding of this extensive and complex criminal organization.


The result is this exhibit and the book Doctors Lawyers Swindlers Thieves, available at the Toledo Police Museum or through Amazon.

2201 Kenwood Boulevard Toledo, OH 43606

Send all correspondence to: P.O. Box 2888, Toledo, OH 43606-0888


Phone: 419-720-2485

© 2017 Toledo Police Museum

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