Toledo Police Museum
Open every Saturday from 10:00 am until 4:00 pm. Free Admission.
In 1867, Ohio legislature passed the Metropolitan Police Law which required a full time paid police force for the City of Toledo. At 8 AM on April 27, 1867, the "MP's" as they were respectfully called by the public, took charge of policing the City of Toledo.
Note: Officers who are currently employed by the Toledo Police department's names will be by first and last initials only. Those who are no longer in active service but who are still living will be listed by first initial and last name. Those who are deceased will listed by their full name.
Click here for the
Toledo Police Rollcall
Gathering the names of all police officers appointed to the Toledo Police Department since April of 1867 has been a task that has been difficult to get off the ground. Records since the commencement of the first Toledo Police Academy in 1938 are mostly in tact and were a great starting place. However, the men hired prior to 1938 are another story.
Sergeant Vincent Kwapich -TPD's "Unofficial" Historian
Vincent Kwapich was appointed to the Toledo Police Department on April 9, 1917. On June 30, 1918, he sent a Sergeant’s Report to Chief Henry Herbert requesting a leave of absence to serve in the U.S. Navy for the duration of WWI. His leave was granted, and he returned to the Toledo Police Department on March 19, 1919, and was promoted to Sergeant on September 12, 1925. Vincent retired after 45 years of service on June 7, 1963.
The details of his lengthy career have slipped into oblivion, but ironically, he did not allow the history of other men to do the same. Vincent became the unofficial historian of the Toledo Police Department by painstakingly recording the careers of members of the department since its beginning in 1867. He also recorded other pertinent details regarding the city and the department.
The books Kwapich created are invaluable and fascinating, but are not considered an “official” history, as some minor and serious mistakes and omissions have been discovered. Vincent also didn’t always stick to “just the facts, ma’am” by offering his opinion, sometimes in colorful terms. However, his records are the first place to look when researching a member of the department and his work is a priceless piece of our history. Without his self-initiated desire to document the department and city he served, much more of our history would have been lost to time.

Kwapich's career spanned 45 years, across many badge and uniform changes, as seen here from his rookie photo to his last known photo in uniform.

Sergeant Vincent Kwapich looking over his notes on June 10, 1963.
(Courtesy of the Blade)
Between the Kwapich records, Toledo City directories and Toledo Police annual reports, names were available but needed to be gathered, merged, compared and recorded. And even with all of these resources, some names slipped by and were not discovered except through old newspaper articles or an inquisitive family member.
Finally, a volunteer stepped forward looking for a task to accomplish. Her father had been a Toledo Police officer and after retiring from her career, she was looking for a way to give back.
Ms. Micki Wheaton - Honoring Her Father
Micki was a little girl when her father, Sergeant Thomas W. Hall, served on the department. Sergeant Hall was appointed on October 1, 1949 and was acquiring quite a nice collection of commendations when he tendered his resignation in 1960 "in order to effect a geographical change of benefit to the health of my family and the possible financial betterment of myself."
Tom had met his wife Joan while recuperating from malaria in the Fourth General Hospital, Melbourne Australia. He had contracted the disease during the Guadalcanal landing and occupation where he was a navy chief pharmacist's mate attached to the First Marine Division. Tom and Joan married in April of 1943 and had three children, Micki being their youngest child.
In a letter written by Chief Anthony Bosch regarding Tom, he wrote, "During his service with our division, he was an outstanding police officer, very honest, industrious and willing. He was looked upon with highest regard by everyone. In his supervisory capacity, he handled men under his command tactfully."
We thank Tom for his service to this department and now his daughter, Micki, for her desire to honor his memory by remembering all who have served.
Left: Sergeant Thomas W. Hall with his family on May 2, 1960, shortly before the family left for Australia. Micki, who is holding the koala bear with her dad, is now honoring his memory here at the Toledo Police Museum by amassing the Toledo Police Rollcall. (Photo courtesy of the Blade)
Right: Sergeant Hall's rookie photo. Tom Hall became the Chief of Police for Northwood, Ohio, on May 6, 1968 after returning to the states. He remained chief until the day he passed away on December 31, 1981. Click here to read the eulogy delivered at his funeral.