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The Toledo Police Museum collects, preserves, and makes accessible records and items of enduring value concerning the Toledo Police Department. Though many items have great value, the limitation of physical space for display makes it impossible for all items to be exhibited.
SPOTLIGHT is​ the Toledo Police Museum's digital endeavor to tell the story of these archived items. We "spotlight" these items in an enthusiastic attempt to share the broader picture with you. We hope you enjoy.

July 1, 1979

As negotiations broke down around 8 p.m. on June 30, 1979, the city prepared to go to court on Monday to get an injunction against walkouts in the police, fire, water and sewage departments. In an unprecedented show of union strength and solidarity, a very tough call was made by city workers, including the police department. City workers walked off the job early on the rainy Sunday morning of July 1, 1979. On this 45 year anniversary, we look back at this tumultuous time; what happened and what were the consequences. Click here for a newspaper history of the strike.

Because police, fire and other municipal strikes have the capability of igniting anarchy, in 1983 the Ohio Public Employees’ Collective Bargaining Act was created to promote order and stability in public sector labor relations.

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On September 19, 1918, Toledoans were “cautioned to take the strictest precaution to prevent Spanish influenza getting even a toe-hold in Toledo”. (Toledo News Bee Sept 19, 1918)


Even though the article stated there had been no fatalities in Toledo to that point, a search of the newspaper in months prior finds numerous deaths of local citizens from pneumonia and other respiratory infections that, in retrospect, may have been the first signs that the flu had already arrived.

The similarities to COVID 19 in 2020 are stunning. Click on the photo of Officer Barbara Hunter, wearing a mandatory mask during the COVID  outbreak, to discover how the City of Toledo, the Toledo Police Department, and the world responded to the 1918 Spanish Flu pandemic.

Do you own a TPD call box? Find the number, click the photo to the left and discover where your box was posted in the city.
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Click the above photo of Detective George Bach to read the report from Drs. Burt G. Chollett and Albert L. Bershon as to the condition of Det. Bach in 1937, 15 years after he was shot in the leg.
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Click the photo of Detective Lieutenant William Martin to read more about him.
Retired Hanover Park, IL Police Officer Tony Konecki contacted the Toledo Police Museum after he came into possession of Detective George W. Bach's badge. His mother, Lee Konecki, was given the badge by George's niece, Audrey Bach.
George W. Bach was born on March 10, 1883. He was appointed to the Toledo Police Department on October 1, 1907 but that career was cut rather short after he was found intoxicated on duty and dismissed in July of 1909. In 1918 however, he was rehired and quickly assigned as a detective, an assignment that would change his life forever.
On September 10, 1922, in a story worthy of the big screen, Detective Lieutenant William “Dick” Martin and Detective George Bach went to a garage at Fulton and Prescott Streets in response to a report that three suspects had left a suspicious looking touring car there.
The detectives concealed themselves in the rear of the building, and shortly after 9 a.m. the suspects returned.  When Martin and Bach confronted them, one of the suspects pulled a gun from his waistband and opened fire. Martin was shot below the heart. Bach was shot in the right thigh, and though wounded, returned fire, striking one of the suspects before they were able to flee.

For the next few days, newspaper headlines told of the thrilling capture of the “bandits” by armed citizens in Wauseon, Ohio,  who used their wits and guns to hold the suspects hostage until law enforcement could take them into custody. The suspects were members of the notorious Barrows gang of bank robbers working out of Kansas City.

Bach wore the badge shown here on that fateful day. Five days later, Bach was promoted to Detective Sergeant and this badge would have been tucked away, replaced by a new one bearing his elevated rank.
Click here to read newspaper articles and history of this event.

2201 Kenwood Boulevard Toledo, OH 43606

Send all correspondence to: P.O. Box 2888, Toledo, OH 43606-0888


Phone: 419-720-2485

© 2017 Toledo Police Museum

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